qatar residency

qatar ‘re entry after 6 months metrash new app – Latest Updates and Requirements for 2025

qatar 're entry after 6 months metrash - Latest Updates and Requirements for 2025

qatar ‘re entry after 6 months metrash is a simple process if you meet the eligibility requirements and provide the necessary documents. If you’ve been abroad for more than six months or lost your passport, this guide is for you.

qatar ‘re entry after 6 months metrash

qatar ‘re entry after 6 months metrash is where you can apply by following these steps:

  1. Download from Google Play Store or Apple App Store and log in to the new metrash app.
  2. Select Residence Services > Issue Return Permit.
  3. Enter the expatriate’s QID number.
  4. Provide return permit details and specify the reason for re-entry (Exceeding 6 months, Lost Passport, etc.).
  5. Add remarks (if applicable) and provide an email address.
  6. Click Next, review the details, and proceed with payment.

What is return permit in Qatar

A Qatar return permit is a temporary document that allows residents who have either:

  • Lost their passport while abroad and obtained a new one, or
  • Stayed outside Qatar for more than six months

Note that: to legally re-enter Qatar, the permit is valid for either 14 or 30 days, depending on the applicant’s case.

eligibility criteria of qatar return permit application

The Qatar return permit is granted to the following individuals:

  • Residents who lost their passport abroad and replaced it
  • Residents who exceeded six months outside Qatar
  • Family members of expatriates who stayed abroad for more than six months
  • Residents sponsored by their employers who exceeded the six-month stay abroad

qatar return permit required document

The required documents differ based on the applicant’s status. See the details below:

Requirement TypeDocuments Needed
General Requirements– Applicant’s Qatar ID (QID) number
– Sponsor’s QID (if applicable)
– Establishment ID (for company-sponsored employees)
Personal Sponsorship (Housemaids & Similar Residents)– Application submitted by the sponsor
– Copy of the resident’s QID or passport
– Copy of the sponsor’s QID
Family Sponsorship (Expatriate Families)– Application form submitted by the sponsor
– Copies of the sponsored person’s passport and sponsor’s QID
Corporate Sponsorship (Company Employees)– Application submitted by the employer
– Copies of the sponsored person’s passport and company’s establishment ID
Lost Passport Cases– Application from the sponsor
– Copies of new and old passports of the applicant
– Copy of the sponsor’s ID or establishment card
– Passport loss certificate issued by relevant authorities

qatar return permit cost

The cost of a Qatar Return Permit varies based on the applicant’s case. Here are the standard fees:

  • QR 200 – Personal sponsorship by a Qatari citizen
  • QR 500 – Personal sponsorship by an expatriate resident
  • QR 500 – Company/corporate sponsorship
  • QR 200 – Lost passport cases

expatriate’s return permit qatar pdf

To obtain the Expatriate’s Return Permit application form in PDF format, you can download it below:

most asked question about qatar return permit

Here’s a summary of the most asked questions about Qatar’s return permit, including helpful information:

“Can I Come Back to Qatar if My QID/RP Has Expired?”

Yes, but your sponsor must apply for a Return Visa via the Metrash app. The fee for this permit is QR 500. If you stay out of Qatar more than 90 days after your RP expires, you will be fined QR 10 per day.

“How Long Can I Stay Outside Qatar Before Needing a Re-Entry Permit?”

Qatar residents must return within 180 days to keep their RP/QID valid. If you exceed six months abroad, you need a Return Permit via Metrash before re-entering Qatar.

“How to Apply for a Qatar Return Visa?”

  1. Open the Metrash2 app.
  2. Go to Residnecy Services > Issue Return permit.
  3. Enter the QID details.
  4. Pay the QR 500 fee.

This process applies to family-sponsored and company-sponsored residents.

“Is There a Fine If I Stay Outside Qatar After My RP Expires?”

Yes, a fine of QR 10 per day applies if your RP is expired and you stay abroad for more than 90 days.

“Can My Wife Return to Qatar After 6 Months on a Family RP?”

Yes, your wife can return by applying for a Return Permit via Metrash. You must pay QR 500 per application.

“Can I Enter Qatar with a Permanent Residency (PR) If I’ve Been Out for Over 6 Months?”

As a Permanent Resident (PR), you are not required to apply for a Return Permit. However, many airport staff may not be aware of this. It’s advisable to contact Qatar authorities for official confirmation before traveling.

Related Reads:

In conclusion, qatar ‘re entry after 6 months metrash is simple. Just log into the Metrash, submit the required documents, and pay the fee. Depending on your situation, like staying abroad too long or losing your passport, the steps may vary.

How do I apply for a qatar return permit?

You can apply through the Metrash app by logging in and providing the required documents.

How much does the qatar return permit cost?

The return permit typically costs QR 500, but if you’re applying due to a lost passport, an additional QR 200 fee applies.

Can I apply if I’ve been abroad for more than 6 months?

Yes, you can apply for a return permit if you’ve exceeded the 6-month stay abroad, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

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